What does iconoclasm mean in art?

image breaking
Iconoclasm literally means “image breaking” and refers to a recurring historical impulse to break or destroy images for religious or political reasons. For example, in ancient Egypt, the carved visages of some pharaohs were obliterated by their successors; during the French Revolution, images of kings were defaced.

What does the term iconoclasm mean art quizlet?

Iconoclasm (definition) The rejection or destruction of religious images as heretical. Icon. A religious image, usually a painting depicting Jesus, Mary or a Saint which is venerated (honored)

What was iconoclasm and how did it affect the arts?

More specifically, icons came to typify the art of the Orthodox Christian Church. Iconoclasm refers to the destruction of images or hostility toward visual representations in general. In a more specificly, the word is used for the Iconoclastic Controversy that shook the Byzantine Empire for more than 100 years.

Is there a difference between iconoclasm and vandalism?

Iconoclasm raises contentious questions that transcend cultural and temporal boundaries. It can be understood as vandalism, destruction, or a means of repression, all of which fundamentally put culture at risk. However, iconoclasm can also be a form of protest or a vehicle for creative expression.

What is iconoclasm quizlet 16th century?

What is iconoclasm? The smashing of religious imagery.

What caused iconoclasm?

According to traditional accounts, Iconoclasm was prompted by emperor Leo III removing an icon of Christ from the Chalke Gate of the imperial palace in Constantinople in 726 or 730, sparking a widespread destruction of images and a persecution of those who defended images.

How was art affected by the Reformation?

Finally, up until the Reformation, artists almost exclusively depicted religious subjects. As they were forced to change, artists focused on non-religious themes such as still life, landscape, portraiture, and genre painting. Reformers had no objection to art in public spaces or historical art.

Which statement best defines iconoclasm?

Iconoclasm (from Greek: εἰκών, eikṓn, ‘figure, icon’ + κλάω, kláō, ‘to break’) is the social belief in the importance of the destruction of icons and other images or monuments, most frequently for religious or political reasons. People who engage in or support iconoclasm are called iconoclasts, a term that has come to be figuratively applied to any individual who challenges

What is an example of iconoclasm?

Iconoclasm literally means “image breaking” and refers to a recurring historical impulse to break or destroy images for religious or political reasons. For example, in ancient Egypt, the carved visages of some pharaohs were obliterated by their successors; during the French Revolution, images of kings were defaced.

What does iconoclasm mean?

Iconoclasm meaning. The belief in, participation in, or sanction of destroying religious icons and other symbols or monuments, usually with religious or political motives.

What does iconoclastic mean?

n. 1. One who attacks and seeks to overthrow traditional or popular ideas or institutions. 2. One who destroys sacred religious images. [French iconoclaste, from Medieval Greek eikonoklastēs, smasher of religious images: eikono-, icono-+ Greek -klastēs, breaker(from klān, klas-, to break).] i·con′o·clas′ticadj. i·con′o·clas′ti·cal·lyadv.