What are all the zip codes in New Jersey?

07821 Andover
08801 Annandale
08802 Asbury
07712 Asbury Park

Can Google Maps display zip codes?

Check the “Show ZIP Code labels” checkbox in the lower left corner of the map to see ZIP Code labels on the map.

Do all New Jersey zip codes start with 0?

Often, the biggest city in a prefix is given a zip code ending in 01. The first digit of the ZIP code is used as follows: 0 = Connecticut (CT), Massachusetts (MA), Maine (ME), New Hampshire (NH), New Jersey (NJ), Puerto Rico (PR), Rhode Island (RI), Vermont (VT), Virgin Islands (VI), APO Europe (AE), FPO Europe (AE)

What zip code is 07304?

Jersey City07304 / City

What state has the ZIP Code 12345?

Zip Code 12345 Profile Data

Official Zip Code Name Schenectady
Zip Code State New York
Zip Code Type Unique
Primary County: Schenectady
Area Code 518

What state has the most ZIP codes?

Zip codes by State. USPS Zip Code Locator. ID State Name ST Zip Min Zip Max; 6: Alaska: AK: 99501: 99950: 5: Alabama: AL: 35004: 36925: 69: Arkansas: AR: 71601: 72959: 8: Arkansas (Texarkana) AR: 75502: 75502: 7: Arizona: AZ: 85001: 86556: 9: California: CA: 90001: 96162: 10: Colorado: CO: 80001: 81658: 11: Connecticut: CT: 6001: 6389: 73: Connecticut: CT: 6401: 6928: 13: Dist of Columbia: DC: 20001: 20039: 74: Dist of Columbia: DC: 20042: 20599: 63

What state has the wealthiest zip code?

– 90067 (Century City, California) – 19035 (Gladwyne, Pennsylvania) – 10577 (Purchase, New York) – 94301 (Palo Alto, California) – 33480 (Palm Beach, Florida) – 94027 (Atherton, California) – 33109 (Fisher Island, Florida)

Is there a 5 digit ZIP code list?

USA ZIP codes are 5 digit numbers that are found on the top right-hand side of some letters/packages. There are now over 40,000 ZIP codes in United States and each code has a unique numbers. In this article, I will list and show all 50 states in USA and their ZIP codes for you step by step.

How many ZIP codes in NJ?

There are approximately 730 registered sex offenders living in the Buffalo area, according to HomeFacts.com. Some zip codes in the area have a very high number of offenders living within them. In case you’re wondering where I got the data, I went through all of the addresses listed by hand and counted each zip code, using a spreadsheet.