Is AP or AD Shaco better?

AP Shaco excels in finishing kills off but AD is much better at making kills happen on his own, along with providing his team with insane pressure around the map because of his dueling ability. In summary, AP Shaco is extremely bursty and fast with a much easier build path compared to AD.

What Lane is Shaco best in?

What Lane Is Shaco? Due to the lane phase of this pick, it is commonly played in the Jungle position.

What is the best mythic item for Shaco?

Liandry’s Anguish is the best mythic items for Shaco. Haste is a very useful stat for Shaco and not only does this item provide that, the burn damage is absolutely huge.

How do you get good at Shaco?

Look to repeatedly gank lanes that are over extended or Flashless. Your champion is very good at repeatedly ganking lanes over and over again. Continue to pick up and secure jungle camps whenever possible. Not falling behind in the mid-game is crucial as a Jungler, so make sure you continue to farm!

Can Shaco play top?

Shaco is supposed to be an AD assassin, mainly played in the jungle to abuse his early game and to use his stealth, mobility and slipperiness to pick off out of positioned enemies. Shaco is an extremely fun champ to play top, but is obviously not meant to be in that position.

What roles can shaco play?

Shaco is a trickster who can be played in multiple roles in League of Legends. While his jungle role is focused on building AD items and assassinating enemies, his AP playstyle is focused on setting up traps and baiting enemies into death bushes.

Which Shaco build has the highest win rate in Lol?

The highest win rate Shaco build, from rune set to skill order to item path, in Platinum +. LoL Patch 11.17 Everything you need for Shaco Jungle. The highest win rate Shaco build, from rune set to skill order to item path, in Platinum +.

How good is Shaco right now?

First of all Shaco is one of the most skilled and one of the most fun Champs in the game if mastered. He’s very rewarding aswell, can counterjungle very easily, can solo objectives and has the potential to 1v9 games.

How much damage does Shaco do from behind?

Shaco’s basic attacks deal an additional 10 – 25 (Based on Level) (+15% bonus AD) bonus physical damage when striking an enemy from behind. This damage can critically strike. Deceive and Two-Shiv Poison also have additional effects when striking an enemy from behind.

What is the best way to beat Shaco?

creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. old school ad Shaco build, still the best. unless the player is horrible, you cannot beat him unless you catch him low hp with no spells ready. you HAVE TO either power farm or invade, which both are risky and not optimal.